Pearl B. Larsen Elementary School PTA Fills Teachers’ Wish Lists

The Pearl B. Larsen Elementary School Parent Teacher Association covered the wish lists of 29 teachers, filling paper bags with essentials like tablets, pens, pencils, crayons, highlighters and pencil sharpeners. They provided a DVD player for one and a printer for another. And they are supplying ink for the library copy machine. The teachers received supplies Friday during the second annual Parent Teacher Admiration Day.

PTA members showed their appreciation for their children’s teachers by diligently raising funds to grant the teachers’ wishes.

Giselle Cintron, president of the PTA, said they made more than $1,500 holding a movie night, a Halloween haunted house, holiday catalogue sales and raffles at monthly PTA meetings.

“We were very successful this year,” Cintron said.

She said last year they spent around $600, with some out-of-pocket donations.

“We do this so the teachers don’t have to spend money out of their own pocket,” Cintron said. “A lot of parents can’t afford essentials for their children. This way the teachers don’t have the stress and burden of providing those essentials.”

She added that throughout the school year they encourage the teachers to come to the PTA when they need supplies. She said their goal is to make sure every teacher gets something.

“We love our teachers, so we go the extra mile,” Cintron said.

Cintron said she hopes they are setting a precedent for other local PTA groups to follow — giving back to the teachers.

Andrea Hobson, principal at Pearl B. Larsen, said the parents worked really hard and were extremely diligent at fundraising to meet their goal to provide supplies.

“I’m very happy to see the fruits of their labor,” Hobson said at an assembly. “And I really appreciate what they did for the teachers.”

Jackie Hughes, Pearl B. Larsen gym teacher, got a bag full of jump ropes, cans of tennis balls, and orange plastic cones for soccer and basketball.

“This is wonderful,” Hughes said. “The kids will love it. I really appreciate what the PTA has done for us and the children.”

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