My Brother’s Workshop Will Be Expanding Bigger and Better

On Friday, June 13, My Brother’s Workshop held a “Thank You Reception” to celebrate the workshop’s expansion, The Stephenson Family, and its new building, “The Stephenson Family Welcome Center.” They have raised $1 million thanks to the generosity of their supporters and sponsors, which will be matched by The Stephenson Family.

Eljhaie Brathwaite Steelpan player for ceremony. (Photo by Knema Willett)

My Brother’s Workshop is a non-profit organization that has worked with over 1,300 youth in the USVI. They have been innovative in giving back to the community and making a difference. They started with only four trainees and have since grown to serve 100-150 annually.

They advocate for keeping the youth on the right track and assisting with mental health issues. Mentoring, mental health counseling, education, vocational training, job placement, and other services are available at the workshop.

The Stephenson family presenting a 1 million dollar check to MBW. (Photo by Knema Willett)

Emily Burton, the architect, working on the project, shares her experience:

“The entire community came together. There were a lot of different trades that had to come together to make this happen. From finding the property and starting the design from the ground up, Also taking into account the size of the building, the size of the property, and making everything fit according to what was needed. It took so many different people and their talents, professions, and creativity. The project changed a lot, but it kept improving. We have a wonderful contractor on board, and once we connected with him, the project strengthened, and I think that this is the best possible outcome. I know that it is going to keep getting better. Right now, we’ve started mostly the site preparations, but when the building starts to come up, it is going to be really exciting to see it physically come together.”

Sharon Hupprich (fundraising community), Emily Burton (Architect), and C.J. (Volunteer). (Photo by Knema Willett)

The new building’s main campus, The Stephenson Family Welcome Center, will be 10,000 sq. ft. on 3.8 acres. This campus will include culinary arts, catering services, customer service training, online schooling for high schoolers, anger management classes, offices, a welcome center, classrooms, and individual counseling. They also added parenting classes and childcare services, retail experience, and family counseling.

Fred Hupprich, Jody Olson, Marty Olsen (Fundraising Community). (Photo by Knema Willett)

Furthermore, building two will include career and technical training programs. The programs that the workshop will offer are construction, carpentry, masonry, plumbing, electrical, marine, CNC laser, CAD/CAM programming, machine shop, fiberglassing, and welding. Also, there are new programs being added which are automotive, heavy equipment, and appliances and technology.

Building Three will be the community center. The programs that will be included are sports, art, music, event space, collaborative community space, and an amphitheater.

Jenny Hawkes, MBW executive director, reminisced about a time when one of their graduates came back to the island to visit. “She started her journey with us years ago. She worked her way up from a trainee to a junior trainer, and she led the team when they built the cafe downtown. She then graduated from us and went to the States to work installing custom garage doors. She was making $27 an hour. People always ask where our people go from here and how much they are making. She’s now in the States, making $30 an hour.

Students from MBW served food at the ceremony. (Photo by Knema Willett)

She continued, “This is why we are here. This facility, the one we are celebrating, which is building one, will be teaching vocational skills that lead to employment. Also, services with mental health counseling, mentoring, and education, providing hope, guidance, and purpose.”


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