Former IRB Director Willis Found Guilty of Bribery, Extortion

Just two days after hearing opening arguments, jurors in the District Court trial of Louis “Lolo” Willis, former director of the V.I. Internal Revenue Bureau, came down with a guilty verdict on four out of six counts.

Jurors began their deliberations early Wednesday morning and returned after approximately seven hours.

Willis was charged on six counts, two for each contractor for a total of three federal programs bribery charges and three counts of “extortion under color of official right.” In the end, jurors found enough evidence to convict Willis on bribery and extortion charges associated with contractors Alvin Williams Sr. and Frank James, who both had contracts with the Legislature during the time in which the renovations took place.

During the trial, prosecutors presented evidence of the contractors’ work, including invoices to the Legislature, and argued that Willis received bribes and gifts – including $10,000 for work at his private residence – in exchange for giving them the contracts.

According to attorneys, all three contractors testified this week in exchange for immunity.

Each bribery count carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years, while the extortion charge carries 20 years. Sentencing is scheduled for Feb. 14, the day before Willis’ 56 birthday.

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