COVID Creativity: Poem by Dr. Joseph DeJames

COVID Creativity is a Source arts feature highlighting the work of our creative readers as they respond to a time of global pandemic. All visual artists and creative writers are encouraged to share with us new works that have been created as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Poetry and creative prose submissions are limited to 1,500 words and should include a brief bio of the writer.

Visual art submissions should include at least one high quality image or video and a very brief bio along with an artist’s statement that speaks to the inspiration of the work. The statement should include the title if there is one, the medium used and what the work means to you.

Please send submissions and questions to

You’s and We’s

Dr. Joseph DeJames

Somewhere along the way and amidst the fray, you’s and we’s all came about the notion of a better day. From how you’s and we’s choose to see the past, all of us dream of a future that would last.

A future that would meet our expectations and cause the elevation of our current station, be careful, however, of seeking heaven on earth and forfeiting salvation.

Let’s make America great again…says that greatness existed in the past, towards where you’s should return, and fast…for some, the present is bleak because you’s see we’s who don’t look the same, have a different gait and a different speak…

You’s see what you’s wanna see…that’s the wedge between the you’s and we’s. And some of the you’s never saw the we’s, preferring to think that only you’s played roles and the we’s are only good for occupying welfare’s rolls…

But the we’s were actually here from jump and had a very different past…a past where you choose to look askance, instead saying ‘shut up and dribble’ or better yet go back to you’s past where we’s were told to sing and dance.

Even those who recently came are so quick to join you’s on your side…as they laugh and deride at how the we’s are the cause of our own demise…so easy it is to learn how to despise…some claim your history as their own and rejoice in the celebration of the confederate and seek to embrace instead of disown that which will make them inveterate.

Even science cannot explain what process occurs in the brain that wants unclear thinking to remain…thoughts whose actions cause pain. You label it fake news when you choose to belittle that which does not mirror your views, but we ask you ‘what have you got to lose?’

If you’s open your eyes, the we’s have tried to rise to simply earn the same prize…despite marches, beatings, and death, those who were brought here by theft are told to ‘keep your head to the sky’…but how to accomplish this feat when a head is between a knee and the street… all that can be uttered is ‘mama’ as a cry…

For who is perfect among us and can universally judge what another is worth? Yet the scales won’t budge and you’s mirth is held as a grudge expecting the we’s to be above reproach…only then will the we’s be allowed to encroach on ground that’s hallowed.

Some of what you’s hold as hallowed may indeed just be hollow since it is great for you’s and not we’s. To you’s, is it such a bitter pill to swallow that we must all in the mire wallow, and just let the we’s be free?

You’s have friends of all colors and never did a slave steal, so you’s ask what’s the big deal? If the we’s just had a bit more zeal it would be revealed that everything is ours for the taking. Either you’s are faking or simply mistaking why we’s appear behind on progress-making.

You’s say you’s believe that what you’s see as we’s reluctance to achieve has nothing to do with centuries of racist strife. If that is the case, are you’s then saying, it is indeed we’s race, to blame for our own lot in life?

Alas, all hope is not lost no matter the cost that we’s continually pay…sometimes with we’s life… for there is hope for a better day…and what you’s will lose is nil if you choose to fulfill the compact of trust…that could turn the you’s and we’s into just us?


Dr. Joseph DeJames is a physician on St. John.


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