Open forum: Frederiksted Health Care Honors Lena Schulterbrandt

Lena Schulterbrandt

Frederiksted Health Care takes this time to thank the family of the late Lena Schulterbrandt, or “Mrs. Schultie” as we fondly called her, for sharing her with Frederiksted Health Care and the community of St. Croix.

Mrs. Lena Schulterbrandt, is responsible for molding the minds of several of our current FHC employees. Her role as an educator, community leader, activist and culture bearer will be remembered for generations to come. These qualities led her to serve as a member of the Board of Directors at Frederiksted Health Care Inc. With her integral servant leadership style, she rejoined the board several times. She was intricately involved with the formation of Frederiksted Health Care Inc; at that time, in 2000, she became the first board chair of the newly formed organization.

Board meetings were always dynamic with Mrs. Schulterbrandt’s involvement.   Mrs. Schulterbrandt was a force to be reckoned with.  She often met with public leaders on behalf the organization to discuss challenges FHC was facing. Mrs. Schulterbrandt was a stanch advocate believing that the access to health care was a Human Right. Frequently, Mrs. Schulterbrandt would attend meetings and express concerns about individuals who were homeless or lived somewhere that seemed unsanitary and unhealthy.  Mrs. Schulterbrandt constantly challenged the board and management, “how we can help the homeless?”  Eventually, in responding to Mrs. Schulterbrandt’s concerns, FHC created a Homeless Clinic.  This has since evolved into the Division of Social and Community Programs which, today, serves many of St. Croix’s homeless population.

The Frederiksted Health Care Inc.’s board of directors, management and staff pledge to continue the work that she believed in by continuing to work hard to improve health care on St. Croix.   The seeds that she planted will continue to grow and serve the people of St. Croix. In honoring her memory, we are dedicating this site in her honor “The Lena Schulterbrandt Health Center.”

The memories of Mrs. Lena Schulterbrandt are like threads of a blanket that have been woven around all of us at FHC.  Again, thank you for sharing “Mrs. Schultie” with all of us at FHC Inc.

Frederiksted Health Care Inc.

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