Corrections Staff and Inmate Achieve Accredited Unit Training Certification

Bureau of Corrections and UVICELL hold a certification presentation (Submitted photo)

The Bureau of Corrections (BOC), in partnership with the UVI Center for Excellence in Leadership and Learning (UVICELL), is now a National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Accredited Training Unit (ATU); it is authorized to use NCCER training curriculum and certify trainees. Certified Instructor A, Instructor B and Instructor C have completed NCCER instructor training and are now certified and authorized to use the curriculum for trainee certifications.

The National Center for Construction Education and Research Training Unit Certification was an intense and rigorous two-week course where participants completed the standardized curriculum, assessments and certification to meet or exceed the certification requirements.

The certified training instructors include Louis Hassell II, acting assistant warden; Raymond Walker Jr., facilities manager; Anthony Wheeler, construction superintendent; Phillip Bruney, supervisor general maintenance; and Larry Williams, inmate.

Certified test proctors include Clifford Cuffy, case management planner; Urla Wiltshire, correctional instructor; and Peter Abrahams, programs and grants manager.

As part of the bureau’s vocational training initiatives, it teaches inmates general employment skills or skills needed for specific jobs and industries.

“When our inmates have completed their time served in prison, we want to ensure that the bureau is working proactively to offer correctional education and vocational training programs which seek to reduce recidivism and make a significant impact on obtaining employment following release from prison,” said Director Wynnie Testamark. “All prisoners who could benefit from education and vocational training have the opportunity to do so.”

The National Center for Construction Education and Research is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education foundation created in 1996. It was developed with the support of more than 125 construction chief executive officers and various associations and academic leaders who united to revolutionize training for the construction industry.

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