Legislature Corner: A Senator Informs the Governor She Has Already Written the Bill

Sen Alma Francis Heyliger (Photo submitted by the Legislature of the VI)

Senator Alma Francis Heyliger voiced her concern over Governor Albert Bryan’s alleged forthcoming legislation regarding abandoned and derelict properties in the territory. Governor Bryan has issued press releases on several occasions over the past few months regarding the subject where he mentioned his desire for his team to do more research for solutions to the problem and offer legislation.

Sen. Heyliger is unsure if the governor is aware that she currently is drafting legislation on the same identical topic and has been working diligently in preparation to share said bill with the public.

“My office submitted a bill draft request during the 34th Legislature regarding the abandoned property issue and resubmitted the same bill draft in January for the 35th Legislature, which is BR23-0079.

“I, along with my staff and the assigned attorney to the bill, have been working diligently on immense research and at the appropriate time will schedule townhall meetings to hear from my constituents,” Heyliger said.

Sen. Heyliger’s legislation (BR23-0079) seeks to establish a public-private partnership to revamp and refurbish abandoned buildings throughout the territory.

“As a senator, I am very focused on the job that was entrusted to me by the people of this territory and one of those duties is to draft legislation. It is my hope the governor will continue to focus on his duties as it relates to overseeing the executive branch. I have no intentions of giving up my legislations as it is far too important to the people of this territory and must be drafted with care and consideration of our residents and property owners.” said Heyliger.

The senator has been a strong advocate for a public-private partnership for the many abandoned and derelict properties across the Virgin Islands and believes that it is critical to address this issue sooner [rather] than later. She is open to working with the governor and her colleagues in the legislature to ensure that this bill is passed in a timely manner and will be a true benefit for the people of the Virgin Islands.

For more information on this topic, contact senatorfrancisheyliger@legvi.org or call 693-3600.

Senator Francis Heyliger

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