Drip. Drip. Drip.

A damaged St. Thomas home with a blue tarp roof in March of 2018. (Bill Kossler photo)
A damaged St. Thomas home with a blue tarp roof in March of 2018. (Bill Kossler photo)

Dear Source:


Lawd eh raining pon meh head. Ah gettin wet.

Hurricane Season 2019 is upon us. The sight of tattered “blue flags” flapping in the wind is everywhere.

Granted, some homes have been repaired, but we have a long way to go.

Something needs to be done… now.

While we anticipate the actual start of VI Housing Authority’s reconstruction program and continue to pray that the Federal Government approves Governor Bryan’s request for additional monies, residents are getting wet while sheltering in place.

The regular tarp falls apart within weeks of putting it on the roof.

Maybe the VI Government could make the blue heavy duty roofing tarp available to residents at a discounted price? We would pay for it and also be responsible for hiring contractors to install it.

As an herbalist, I know the value of using our local bush to treat illness.

Our most vulnerable residents, senior citizens and children are now being exposed to moisture and mold. These elements are the perfect recipe for respiratory illnesses like asthma.

Our local hospitals better start gearing up to deal with this pending public health issue.

My neighbors are tired of getting wet, maybe you are too?
Our new slogan… “Redo the Blue” roof.

Glenn “Butcher” Brown of St. Croix

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