Letter: Mary Moorhead Urges Gittens to Act on Senate Reorganization

Dear Senators of the 33rd Legislature,

After the alleged reorganization of the 33rd Legislature this afternoon, Senator Gittens’ actions and statement left doubt and confusion in the institution and the community.

If the reorganization of the Legislature was not properly executed, Senator Gittens has no option but to facilitate the proper reorganization. To do otherwise, Senator Gittens will prolong doubt and confusion, and he will delay and derail the work of the Legislature.

The reorganization of the 33rd Legislature cannot be stopped, therefore Senator Gittens should act in the best interest of the people and the institution and allow for a smooth
transition of leadership.

Supporters of Senator Gittens should encourage him to do what is in the best interest of the institution, the community, to be accountable to the people of the Virgin Islands.

Thank you.

Mary L. Moorhead

Mary Moorhead appearing before the V.I. Legislature on July 11, 2016. (V.I. Legislature photo by Barry Leerdam)
Mary Moorhead appearing before the V.I. Legislature on July 11, 2016. (V.I. Legislature photo by Barry Leerdam)
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