Gifft Hill School Joins National Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism

Gifft Hill School on St. John (file photo)

Gifft Hill School is joining in the Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism (AIM) organized by the National Association of Independent Schools. The AIM assessment unfolds over several weeks to deliver quantitative and qualitative data on a school’s diversity climate.

The goal of the Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism process is to build and sustain “vibrant, engaging learning communities that elicit peak achievement and performance from all involved.”

The process begins with surveys and interviews with students, parents and guardians, teachers, administrators, alumni and trustees. At Gifft Hill School, committees will supplement survey data with ideas and questions that are specific to the school’s location and communities. These surveys, interviews, ideas and questions will generate data on the school’s curriculum, admissions, financial aid, co-curricular activities, publications, hiring, governance and services.

Gifft Hill School has worked hard over a 40-year history to build a school community that reflects the territory’s multifaceted cultural and economic diversity. While it has been successful in many ways, it is always seeking opportunities to improve. The AIM process is designed to produce a deep understanding of the school’s current climate of inclusivity and multiculturalism. This deep understanding will prepare the school to develop new and expanded strategies for meeting our goals of inclusion, equity, and social justice, according to the Gifft Hill School’s administration.

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