Logan Cruz 2-year Battle with Leukemia Has Ended

Logan Cruz (Photo provided by the Logan Miracle Foundation)

Logan Cruz’s two-year battle with Leukemias has ended. Logan’s journey began in 2019 when he was only seven months of age and captured the attention of many Virgin Islanders and people abroad.

After a year-long battle of intense chemotherapy at the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in Miami, Florida, ended, Logan was able to return home in January 2021 for outpatient treatment, visiting the hospital twice a week. Everything seemed normal, but then something unexpected happened. On July 5 and 6, because of an unsettling feeling from Logan’s mother Anais Cruz knew something was not right. Logan was showing signs that were all too familiar and her instincts proved to be right. The cancer had returned.

Cruz dedicated her days being the primary caretaker for Logan, never leaving his side. She remained transparent and shared his journey on social media. Unfortunately, on Jan. 7 Logan’s battle had ended after contracting a serious bacterial infection due to his impaired immune system. Logan’s story touched almost 15,000 Facebook followers and 5,000 followers on Instagram and many more supporters worldwide.

Leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, causes a drastic rise in the number of white blood cells in the body, eventually crowding the red blood cells and platelets the body needs to be healthy.

Cruz said that she is still trying to piece together exactly what was Logan’s purpose, but while doing so she wants to bring awareness to childhood cancer and encourage people as young as 18 years old to become a bone marrow donor. “I wish the information was provided to me when I was in high school,” Cruz said.

On Sunday, Cruz and her family welcomed Logan’s body at the Henry E. Rohlsen Airport. The welcome was fit for a hero as emergency personnel from the St. Croix Rescue Squad, V.I Police Department, V.I. Fire Services, Emergency Medical Technicians, and other first responders came to welcome Logan home.

Cruz said it was important to return Logan to St. Croix so that he would be surrounded by family. “Logan was the breath of fresh air for my family,” she said.

“My family was close, but Logan has made us closer.”

Cruz said she did not know what to expect on receiving the body, to the point it left her speechless. “It brought me so much joy to see all these different departments that came together to do their part to make sure it went as perfect as possible.” She described it in one word – “magical.”

While en route to the James Memorial Funeral Home, Cruz said there were people on the side of the street crying, people pulled over and cheered, and held signs. “It breaks my heart that I lost my son. I do not think my heart will ever be the same, but it brought me some kind of peace knowing that he changed and made a difference in this world,” said Cruz.

While describing a personal moment she had with Logan at the funeral home you could still hear how protective she is over her son. Making sure every detail up to how Logan’s clothes fit for his funeral. If you were a follower of the Logan Foundation Facebook Page you would know, Logan was dressed well.

The funeral service for Logan will be held on Saturday at 10 a.m. at the City of Refuge Worship Center, followed by the interment at the Kingshill Cemetery. Those interested in viewing online can also tune in through Facebook.

If attending in person, people are encouraged to wear the colors royal blue and orange.

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