Cash & Carry Opens a New Location in Town

Cash & Carry, operating since 2001, has opened a second location at Mandela Circle in Long Bay, St. Thomas. The new store, known as Cash & Carry West, opened on June 27.

Owner and founder Rushdi Sghayer decided to open another store that he says is more convenient for town residents. “Many people did not want to drive to Anna’s Retreat,” Sghayer told the Source. Everyone will have a location they can go to, which is especially important now since gas prices are at an all-time high, and some people do not own vehicles, he said.

Inside of the newly opened Cash & Carry West. (Photo by Knema Willett)

Sghayer said the process of opening a new store was difficult at times, and the pandemic made things harder, but he was still able to keep things moving. The building that is being used for the store has been abandoned for many years. Sghayer and his team updated the building, changing the scenery in an area that had looked rundown.

Small furniture items for sale. (Photo by Knema Willett)

The new location has a second floor where you’ll find various antiques and small pieces of furniture. “Many people on St. Thomas are about small apartments and small places. They want to buy one to three pieces. We are creating a market catering to that,” Sghayer said.

The store’s second floor. (Photo by Knema Willett)

Cash & Carry West is open seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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