Coral Bay Town Hall Meeting Set for Saturday at Miss Lucy’s


The Coral Bay Community Council and John’s Folly Learning Institute will host a town hall meeting on Saturday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Miss Lucy’s in Coral Bay, St. John.

As requested at the last meeting, Public Works Commissioner Derek Gabriel and Jomo McClean, program manager, will attend to explain the local road projects and planning during the first hour, according to a press release announcing the meeting.

CBCC will also briefly explain the hydrology study of the Coral Bay watershed, funded through a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant. When completed in the next few months by the contractor, it will provide useful information for Public Works and their rebuild of Centerline Road and for improving drainage and reducing flood potential, according to the release. Neighborhoods and side roads and anyone building will also benefit from being able to have their engineers use this technical information, it said.

View the first mapping steps at Coral Bay Infrastructure ( For more about the study, visit Neighborhood Stormwater Management Projects – Coral Bay Community Council.

The second hour of the town hall meeting will be devoted to developing a community list of questions and issues for nonpartisan election candidate forums being planned for late September and early October.

Food and beverages will be provided. Families with children are welcome.

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