DLCA Releases a Notice of Public Meetings for Offices of Boards and Commissions

Attorney Richard Evangelista, Commissioner of Licensing and Consumer Affairs. (Source file photo)

Notice of Public Meetings

In accordance with the Government Sunshine Act, VI law, the Department Licensing and Consumer Affairs, Office of Boards and Commissions is notifying the public of the following upcoming board meetings that are open to the public:

Date:      Board:      Time:       Zoom Link

9/22/2022 VI R.E. Commission: 10 a.m. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81186176354?pwd=dVZ2K25oemREOFJYL1F3d0x4aXMvdz09

9/22/2022 VI Board of Counselors 2 p.m. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82693334347?pwd=QUF6aUduWE9vUFJlQ2lzbnNYaWplUT09

9/27/2022: VI Board of Contractors and Trades: 3 p.m.


9/30/2022: VI Board of Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors: 9:30 a.m.


10/4/2022: VI Board of R.E. Appraisers: 10 a.m. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83109546191?pwd=QjczN1dDN2xjM2RMRXcyL0JNaGFmZz09

10/6/2022: VI Board of Social Workers: 10 a.m. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83728154162?pwd=L295ZjZhcnIyNjBzZ3dqNERLMm03dz09

10/7/2022: VI Board of CPAs: 9 a.m. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82769270687?pwd=Unp6ME9NYTN0TGN1QXFnajNsVUQzdz09

10/27/2022: VI R.E. Commission: 10 a.m. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85431877623?pwd=RHg3SVJFS2xJSGxyeXhPTSsyeTZJQT09

Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States, Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs

The meetings will be virtually conducted via Zoom, a software-based platform for video and audio communications. Interested individuals can join the meeting through the Zoom links above. Registration in advance is required for the meetings.

Be advised that the board/commission may go into executive session with respect to any decision at any time during the meetings as provided in Virgin Islands law.

For more information, contact the DLCA at 713-3522 on St. Croix or 714-3522 on St. Thomas.

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