ADA ‘Disaster Preparedness and Disease Prevention Expo’ for Independent Living Seniors, Adults With Disabilities Planned

Previous ADA Disaster Preparedness Expo event (Submitted photo)

The Governor’s Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Office has joined efforts with the USVI Disability Network Partners, VI Department of Health, viNGN and many other governmental and aging entities in the community to host a territory-wide ‘Disaster Preparedness and Disease Prevention Expo’ for independent living senior citizens and adults with disabilities.

The first event will be held on Friday, Aug. 25, in the Elridge W. Blake Sports & Fitness Center on UVI’s Orville E. Kean campus for St. Thomas and St. John members of the community. The St. Croix event will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 29, in the Great Hall of the UVI Albert E. Sheen campus. Each expo will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., with sign-in and limited registration beginning at 9 a.m.

Previous ADA Disaster Preparedness Expo event (Submitted photo)

The expo, which has grown each year since its debut in 2020, will highlight local health and disaster preparedness efforts by partnering agencies to provide critical information for the coming disaster-inclined months, including “go bags” and what should be in them; registration for free services, including VI Alerts, WAPA alerts, VITRAN Paratransit services, health screenings, COVID-19 vaccinations and related education; procedures to secure and store medication and equipment before, during and after disasters; and much more.

PPE, along with other health and disaster preparedness resources, will be distributed; refreshments and lunch will be provided; and trivia prizes will be awarded during question-and-answer segments.

Previous ADA Disaster Preparedness Expo event (Submitted photo)

“This impactful event gives us the opportunity to empower our seniors and persons with disabilities and show this community that they are extremely important to us,” said Territorial ADA Coordinator Julien Henley Sr. “Bringing them together to learn about preparedness, create a plan and also receive biometric screenings are something that the Office of the Governor truly looks forward to doing. We encourage individuals that know they can benefit from this expo to register as soon as possible because space is limited.”

Along with the ADA Office, participating Disability Network Partners include the Disability Rights Center of the VI, VI Association for Independent Living, VI University Center of Excellence for Developmental Disabilities (VIUCEDD), and the VI Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advocates. viNGN, Department of Health, Viya, American Red Cross, Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA), Department of Human Services, VITRAN, VI Fire Emergency and Medical Services, WAPA, VI Energy Office, AARP, FEMA, WTJX, Office of Gun Violence Prevention and the Virgin Islands Healthcare Foundation, which will also have resourceful stations at each event.

Resource swag bags and meals are guaranteed for the first 100 members of the vulnerable community who register and attend the event. Free transportation and to and from the event site for those in need is also available for persons who register by Aug. 23

To register, visit For registration assistance or for more information about the event, call 715-5912 or email

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