Photo Focus: Dolphins Delight at Magens Bay

An adult female dolphin swims with a juvenile male on Monday at Magens Bay on St. Thomas. (Photo by Sara Smollett)
An adult female dolphin swims with a juvenile male on Monday at Magens Bay on St. Thomas. (Photo by Sara Smollett)
Sara Smollett had her GoPro camera handy to capture these images of dolphins frolicking in Magens Bay on Monday on St. Thomas, much to the delight of beachgoers.
A dolphin swims in Magens Bay on Monday on St. Thomas. (Photo by Sara Smolett)
A dolphin swims in Magens Bay on Monday on St. Thomas. (Photo by Sara Smollett)
“I took these photos around 9:45-10 a.m. at Magens, in maybe 5-foot-deep water in the middle of the beach — just over the bridge, right in front of the blue beach access mat,” said Smollett in an email. “I only saw the two dolphins — one female and a smaller male –but some people who were there earlier said there were at least four in the bay.”
A dolphin looks straight at the camera as it swims in Magens Bay on Monday on St. Thomas. (Photo by Sara Smollett)
A dolphin looks straight at the camera as it swims in Magens Bay on Monday on St. Thomas. (Photo by Sara Smollett)
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