Operation Clean Sweep Clears Out Some Guns and Illegal Drugs in Red Hook, STT

Four arrests were made on St. Thomas Tuesday surrounding both gun and drug possession, the V.I. Police Department reported.

VIPD arrested Peter Francis, 33; Khareed Brathwaite, 37; Niah Henry, 33 and Anwar Lockhart, 40, during Operation Clean Sweep in Red Hook. During the arrests, officers found guns and illegal narcotics such as heroin, crack cocaine, powder cocaine, oxy, Xanax and marijuana, according to the police report.

Francis was placed under arrest and charged with possession of illegal narcotics and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bail was set at $7,500, the report stated

Brathwaite was placed under arrest and charged with possession of illegal narcotics with intent to distribute after he was observed making several drug transactions in the area. Bail was set at $7,500, the report stated.

Henry was placed under arrest and charged with possession of illegal narcotics with intent to distribute (Marijuana) and possession of narcotics with intent to distribute (Cocaine) when he was discovered with a backpack containing several types of narcotics on his person and in his vehicle. Bail was set at $7,500, the report stated.

Lockhart was placed under arrest and charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm, possession of ammunition, possession with intent to distribute and possession of firearm within 1000 feet of a school (lvanna Eudora Kean High School). Lockhart was also found with several types of illegal narcotics in his possession. Bail was set at $150,005, the report stated.

All four men were remanded to the Bureau of Corrections pending their advice of rights hearing, police said.

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