St. John Clinic Begins Teleconference Visits, Adds Screening Shelter

The new screening shelter at the Myrah Keating Smith Clinic opens on Monday.

St. John patients who want to consult with a medical professional at the Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center on St. John now have the option of scheduling a teleconference appointment.

Dr. Joseph DeJames, a physician at the clinic, said patients can use FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom and other popular video calling applications to meet with a physician, physician’s assistant or other medical staff member.

Patients can reach the community clinic on St. John by calling the Schneider Regional Medical Center’s main number 340-776-8311, choosing English or Spanish and then dialing ext. 6615 for the clinic’s business office. Someone is available at that extension until 11 p.m. on weekdays. After hours or weekends, patients should call the nurse’s station at ext. 6608.

Starting Monday, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, patients arriving at the clinic will be screened at a newly built structure attached to the rear of the interim Myrah Keating Clinic. (The clinic has been housed in a series of connected modular units since the main structure was damaged by hurricanes Irma and Maria.)

The new screening structure can be easily cleaned with bleach and hosed down, DeJames said. “It will be used to keep other patients and the staff safer.”

The new screening shelter connects to the clinic by covered walkway.

DeJames said only two people on St. John have tested positive for COVID-19. “There haven’t been any new cases on St. John since late March, which is a good thing, but the lack of new cases increases the risk is complacency.”

On Monday, new rules go into effect throughout the territory allowing the reopening of many activities and businesses which were shut down during the past six weeks.

“We have to remain extra vigilant since restrictions are being relaxed,” DeJames said.

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