Orchid Awareness & Education Group Inc. Holds Orchid Palette Show and Sale

Edna Hamilton-Cirilo stands behind her American Orchid Society Outstanding Orchid Exhibit during the Orchid Awareness Inc. show. The table is covered with her orchids and an abundance of ribbons and awards. (Source photo by Linda Morland)

The show must go on, and it did despite the heavy rains for much of the weekend. The first American Orchid Society sanctioned show presented by Orchid Awareness Inc. (OAI) was a success.

Many varieties of orchids were represented in the show in the courtyard of the Caribbean Museum Center for the Arts (CMCArts). A team of four judges worked on Friday, carefully judging each entry. Ribbons and trophies are awarded in many categories.

The beautiful brown and yellow blossoms of a Catasetum saccatum received an American Orchid Society Best of Show ribbon. (Source photo by Linda Morland)

Plants, including Dendrobiums, Phalaenopsis, and Vandas, were available to purchase. Members of OAI were eager to assist both novices and experienced orchid growers with questions and educational materials.

A raffle for a large, brightly colored painting by Gene Rotter was held on Sunday. Originally from Cuba, then NYC, he has resided in St. Croix for six years. Gene has been painting orchids and other flowers since childhood.

Among the artwork for sale, a bright orchid painting by Gene Rotter was raffled as a fundraiser for the Orchid Awareness & Education Group, Inc. (Source photo by Linda Morland)

OAI plans to make this an annual event to encourage increased participation in orchid propagation on St. Croix. The group meets on the third Saturday of the month at CMCArts at 10 a.m. Membership is $40 per year. They can be contacted at orchidawarenessvi@gmail.com. The webpage is www.orchidawarenessvi.com.

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