Man Arrested Allegedly Smuggling Guns at St. Thomas Airport

Weapons reportedly confiscated from Jahmir Victor on Nov. 10 at Cyril E. King Airport on St. Thomas. (V.I. Department of Justice photo)

The V.I. Justice Department arrested Jahmir Victor of Philadelphia Pennsylvania on Nov. 15 for allegedly smuggling 10 guns and 14 high-capacity ammunition magazines into St. Thomas on Nov. 10.

The V.I. Justice Department and U.S. Department of Homeland Security opened an investigation into the suspect after U.S. Custom’s officials were reportedly told Victor had 10 guns in his luggage but had only declared two on Nov. 10. According to a release from the Justice Department, Victor admitted to knowingly transporting 10 firearms and 14 magazines with the intent to sell. Agents confiscated the firearms. He was questioned, then released by Customs and Border Patrol officers pending further investigation. The joint investigation of the suspect revealed that he was running guns for a criminal organization with ties to the Virgin Islands. On Nov. 15, Victor was arrested at the Cyril E. King Airport, while attempting to board a flight back to the mainland.

Along with weapons charges, the Justice Department charged Victor under the V.I. Criminally Influenced and Corrupt Organizations as a co-conspirator in an alleged illegal firearm trafficking scheme. Wednesday, Victor had an advice of rights hearing Wednesday morning when the Superior Court Magistrate Judge Henry Carr found probable cause to charge him for 23 VIC 467 – Selling Firearms without License, 23 VIC 467a. – Unlawful importation, 23 VIC 470(a) – Failure to register or declare firearms and 14 VIC 551 – Conspiracy, 14 VIC 605(a) CICO. Judge Carr upheld the initial bail of $150,000 and added that Victor could not be released unless a suitable party is determined. He would then be subjected to a curfew of 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday to Friday and 24-hour house arrest over the weekends. He also ordered Victor to surrender his passport and not leave the territory without the permission of the court.

Weapons reportedly confiscated from Jahmir Victor on Nov. 10 at Cyril E. King Airport on St. Thomas. (V.I. Department of Justice photo)
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