VIPD Commissioner Velinor Tours Hospital Ground

Police Commissioner Trevor Velinor looks down over the Hospital Ground neighborhood Saturday. (VIPD photo)
Police Commissioner Trevor Velinor looks down over the Hospital Ground neighborhood Saturday. (VIPD photo)

Following three homicides in as many days in the Hospital Ground area, Police Commissioner Trevor Velinor walked the neighborhood Saturday meeting area residents.

According to a news release issued Sunday by the department, the V.I. Police are focused on reducing violent crime and enhancing the quality of life of residents in Hospital Ground. To that end, VIPD has increased the number officers on foot patrol in the area.

Additionally, vehicles and pedestrians entering and exiting the Hospital Ground area are subject to police contact during Gov. Albert Bryan Jr.’s stay-at-home directive.

“The loss of one life impacts our community, yet we have seen three people tragically killed. More people have been killed by gun violence in the area than the number of COVID-19 deaths in our territory,” the commissioner said. “VIPD is committed to work with the community to reduce gun violence.”

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