Plaskett Hosts Social Distancing Video Contest

Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett
Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett

Visual artists in the territory can share their creative, COVID-19-related works by entering the Virgin Islands Social Distancing Video Contest hosted by Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett.

The deadline for contest submissions is Wednesday, June 10.

Video submissions should be 30 seconds or less and encompass one of three themes: Stay at home, wear your mask or maintain a distance. The overarching theme should emphasize the importance of social distancing during the global pandemic.

Submissions should be formatted as an mp4 file and sent to Plaskett’s email,, or to one of her social media accounts. Each entry should also include the visual artists’ name as well as which island they are from.

The contest does not have an age limit, so any U.S. Virgin Islands resident can enter.

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