Citizen Offers a Plan to Improve the Territory

Dear Source:
A group of islanders has had a number of meetings to help improve the territory.
To change the government and improve operations we must have the present Senate pass a bill this year for next year and the future. The bill must reduce the Senate to nine members — four from St. Thomas, four from St. Croix and one from St. John — as was voted by the people a few years ago. This was the bill that Arnold Golden put forward.
Each island will then have its own Island Council in place of the Island Administrator. St. Croix and St. Thomas will have 11 members in their island councils and St. John will have five members. The budget will be as per the present Island Administrator’s budget for the next year.
The above program could be a great help and save a great deal of money and the people would be taking part to improve the way of life in these good islands. Any change would take a great deal of thought on the part of all government, and especially on the Senate.
As it is now, we are living in “The Good Old Days,” but this world has changed. It is necessary to keep up with the modern times, as much as we would like to keep things as they are.
Unfortunately, those days have left us behind, and now is the time to try and catch up!
Vote in November.
Norm Gledhill, St. Thomas

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