Horace W. Graham Jr. Wants Your Vote

June 4, 2007 – My name is Horace W. Graham, Jr. and I solicit your support for Delegate to the 5th Constitutional Convention. I am a Virgin Islander, born and raised on St. Croix. I received my B.A. in Anthropology from Cornell University (1997) and currently pursuing Masters in Business Administration. My education and work experience have given me skills in negotiation, critical thinking, research, problem solving, project management and interpersonal/team dynamics all which will prove essential to the successful completion of this process.
"Most… people will never make the headlines and their names will not appear in Who's Who. Yet when years have rolled past and when the blazing light of truth is focused on this marvelous age in which we live — men and women will know and children will be taught that we have a finer land, a better people, a more noble civilization…" – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Although the ongoing quest for a VI Constitution have left some disenchanted and waning in hope, I believe that by its very nature this process is the ultimate expression of a deep and abiding optimism. The constitutional convention and those elected will serve as the expression of the hopes and dreams of the people. Like Dr. King, I dream of;
A Finer Land . . .
The beauty of these islands derives not only from the natural environment but from the people that inhabit and transform its landscape. The preservation & management of our natural environment in a manner that sustains its beauty and utility for present and future generations is important.
A Better People . . .
Culture and history must be embraced and valued for their importance in shaping our unique identity. These are not static and are continually informed and shaped by contemporary circumstances and events. To ascribe value to the artifacts, linguistic nuance, art, music, cuisine and events is not license to become exclusionary or divisive.
In practice as well as theory the will of the people as the source of public power must be edified. Legislative reform, municipal governance and clearly defined procedures for referendum, initiative and recall are important. Clearly, these actions will contribute to more direct involvement in public life, which will lead to a more responsible and stronger citizenry.
A More Noble Civilization . . .
Throughout the region we are one of several localities that are undertaking the challenge of constitutional development. Successful completion of this great responsibility will affirm us as capable leaders in the region and the world. Others will look to our example and what we do today will have dramatic repercussions for the future of the Virgin Islands and others similarly positioned as we are now.
I pledge that if elected I will work together with all other delegates to create a constitutional document expressive of our hopes, dreams and one that captures the immense possibilities of greater self determination.
On June 12, 2007 vote No. 39 on your voting machine. God bless you and God Bless the U.S. Virgin Islands.

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