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Ask Coach Paradise

Coach Paradise is here to help people make the kind of changes that will allow them to live the lives they only dream of. Recently returned to her own tropical home, she is offering her services so that others can create paradise in their lives wherever they are. No concern is too big or small for her unique coaching approach which comes with compassion, creativity and a heartfelt desire to help others produce extraordinary results. If you have a question for Coach Paradise, please send it confidentially to her at anne@coachparadise.com.
Dear Coach Paradise:
I'm a 45 year old woman who's stuck. I've got a low paying job and what feels like a dead end life. To top it off, I've been eating myself silly from the fridge, and I've already broken my new year's resolution. Short of putting a lock on the fridge and my life, what should I do?
Unhappy in Paradise
Dear Unhappy in Paradise,
Isn't it amazing how we can be surrounded by so much beauty and still feel so hopeless and overwhelmed. First of all let me acknowledge you for your courage in coming forth and being brutally honest.. This is a prerequisite to making any significant changes. Give yourself a big pat on the back.
Your desperation over your life means that your precious energy is being leaked, overused or misdirected. It is a reminder that your actions are not consistent with who you truly are and what you really care about. Frustration and resignation are symptoms of of being "out of alignment".
This is a perfect opportunity for you to think about your life's intentions (what you are passionate about) so that you can begin doing the things that make you happy and are a contribution to those around you. What will follow will be a sense of ease and that "all is well".
I invite you to see yourself as a heroine about to embark on the next step of her journey. You are the author of the next chapter. You are also the main character, the star. Indulge your imagination – dream up how you would like it to be. Be specific. Be open to possibility. Imagine yourself outside of the box. Imagine the dead-end opening up and leading somewhere.
A coach can help you develop this skill and support you as you begin by taking small sweet steps toward goals that are worth playing for – a job that fits, financial success, health and well being.
Regarding lapsed new years resolutions: Throw out the new years resolutions and try this instead. Think of something that brings you joy – a piece of music, a swim in the sea, a massage, someone's touch, a cat. Pure pleasure. Make a promise to include something on your list once a day. Call it a resolution for joy.
Warm wishes,
Coach Paradise
Editor's note: Coach Paradise (aka Anne Nayer), Professional Life Coach, is a member of the International Coaching Federation, an MSW clinical social worker/psychotherapist, and a medical case manager with 30 years experience working with people of all shapes, sizes and challenges.
For further information about her services call: 340-774-4355

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