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Hit Them in the Pocket Book

Dear Source:

We are living in the most challenging of times. Food, gas and utility cost are going through the roof. Our cost of living is one of the highest in the United States. These tough times we are facing are times when people usually come together. This is seen after natural disasters and events such as 9/11. It is usually a unifying period where we overlook our differences and work together. It brings out the best in most of us…. and also the worse. At such a time, it is despicable and reprehensible that Pueblo Markets have stooped to the level of deceptive pricing. This is not an oversight. This was a conscious business decision.
We need to punish those that try to take advantage of us. Although fining a company is a start, when it comes to food and it involves the same company at seperate and different times, we as citizens should punish that business the only way we can. We should hit that company in the pocket book just as they hit us. I personally am boycotting Pueblo Market. I am asking that others join me and show our displeasure the only way they will understand. Enough is enough! Boycott Pueblo Market.

Dr. Manuel A. da Motta
St. Croix

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to source@viaccess.net.

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