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Terry Calls for Calm as Class Resumes at Complex

Education Commissioner La Verne Terry said Sunday that classes at St. Croix Educational Complex will resume Monday morning, and called for the support of all parents to ensure that their children arrive at school, prepared for school.

Thursday and Friday classes had to be dismissed early as students left class to protest the pending re-assignment of their principal, Kurt Vialet. Department officials said the protests were started or planned by adults as a political slap at the adinistration, but students were adamant that they themselves had planned and taken the action to disrupt classes.

“All in the Department of Education seek the support of our parents in putting an end to last week’s protests and disruptions at the Educational Complex," Terry said in a statement issued Sunday. "The actions of last Thursday and Friday caused serious interruptions to the schedule of instruction. We are now just short of three weeks before exams for seniors and these disruptions cannot continue.”

Following a weekend briefing of Gov. John de Jongh, Jr., the commissioner noted, “We have many students who value their education and want to come to school to learn. We, at the department, will not disappoint them. The students deserve, and will have, the full complement of administrators and teachers that are necessary for their instruction.”

St. Croix District Superintendent Gary Molloy echoed Terry’s call for parental support.

“We urge parents to have serious discussions with their children about the ramifications of their actions," he said. "These disruptions can and will affect their grades and are a particular concern with respect to our seniors who are seeking to graduate in June. Exams are coming up soon and the more classroom time they miss, the less prepared they will be."

"We support students’ right to express their thoughts and feelings but, we as a community, cannot knowingly have our children put at risk their education or that of others," Terry added. "Students must understand that there is a time and place for constructive engagement and dialogue and that must be the primary objective.”

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