V.I. Workforce Development Board Seeks Service Providers

34th Legislature of the Virgin Islands

The Virgin Islands Workforce Development Board is seeking entities to provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act employment and training services to youth and adults ages 16-24.

The board’s mission is to assist the governor in the development, implementation and continuous improvement of the V.I. workforce development system as well as create a skilled and prepared workforce. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act has six main purposes:

  1. increase access to and opportunity for employment, education, training and support services for individuals, particularly those with barriers to employment;
  2. support the alignment of workforce development, education and economic development systems in support of a comprehensive, accessible and high-quality workforce development system;
  3. improve the quality and labor market relevance of workforce development, education and economic development efforts;
  4. promote improvement in the structure and delivery of services;
  5. increase the delivery of workers and employers;
  6. provide workforce development activities that increase employment, retention and earnings of participants and that increase post-secondary credential attainment and as a result improves the quality of the workforce, reduces welfare dependency, increases economic self-sufficiency, meets skills requirement of employers and enhances productivity and competitiveness of the territory and nation.

Areas of focus include: administrative and support services, allied health, architecture and construction trades, information technology, leisure and hospitality, retail, transportation and logistics, engineering and mathematics, agribusiness, health sciences, renewable energy and maritime industry.

Eligible applicants who have demonstrated a successful performance history or have used evidence-based practices are encouraged to apply. They may include educational organizations, non-profit organizations, business eligible associations and private-for-profit businesses.

Successful performance also includes the Youth Program’s 14 elements as identified in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act legislation by the U.S. Department of Labor. The ability to provide services and/or access to some or all of these 14 elements will better serve youth.

The board is keenly aware of the need to provide a wide array of training to meet the demands for a well-trained and skilled workforce.

Those interested in applying should visit www.viwib.org or email viswdb@dol.vi.gov  or contact 626-9207.

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