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HomeNewsArchivesIsland Green Pulls Application for Inner Brass Dock

Island Green Pulls Application for Inner Brass Dock

July 8, 2008 — After two hearings, hours of testimony, hundreds of pages of application and only two days shy of a decision by the Coastal Zone Management Commission, Island Green developers withdrew its application for a dock on Inner Brass Cay.
Controversy has dogged the CZM application, with opponents saying that granting permission for the dock would open the door to a large development on the cay. There were also rumors of an associated development in Hull Bay, part of which is also owned by Island Green.
Record numbers of residents came to CZM hearings to challenge the application, one of which had to be cleared by Virgin Islands Port Authority Police. (See "More than 250 Inner Brass Dock Opponents Attend CZM Hearing.")
Island Green said that their original ideas for the cay included a development, but the downturn in the economy and other factors forced them to revise their plans. The application was scaled back to a request for an 83-foot-long dock.
The withdrawal comes two days before a scheduled CZM decision hearing on the application.
Opponents of the application were understandably pleased with the news.
"It was more than we had hoped for," Helen Gjessing, Chair of the Planning and Environmental Quality Committee of the League of Women Voters said. "We had asked for a master plan. We had asked for it to be turned down because there were so many questions still to be answered for this permit application."
Other environmental advocates concurred.
"I am really pleased that Island Green has pulled their application for a dock on Inner Brass," said Carla Joseph, president of the Environmental Association of St. Thomas and St. John (EAST). "I am very encouraged to see that so many residents came out and testified their opposition to this development."
Corby Parfitt, one of the principals of Island Green, said in a prepared statement Tuesday afternoon, "In the course of some productive dialogue with some of our neighbors, it has become evident that many in the community understand our need for access but would prefer to see the request for a dock in the context of a master plan for our property on the island. After taking a little time this summer to work on other projects, we are planning to come back with a plan that addresses all of the concerns raised in the dialogue to date."
Parfitt said he did not know how long it might take to return with an updated plan but that Island Green wants it to be "an open process."
Parfitt's stated commitment to openness and putting a new plan in front of residents was greeted favorably.
"The fact the Island Green principals will work with local groups as they do their planning is also very welcome and we would be pleased to be involved in that," Gjessing said.
Joseph added, "I am also hoping in formulating their master development plan, that they will be consulting with residents of the Hull Bay area as well as other environmental organizations like EAST prior to submitting another CZM application."
The CZM Commission was not available for comment at press time.
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