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HomeNewsArchivesOne Man Killed, Another Injured in Christmas Eve Shooting

One Man Killed, Another Injured in Christmas Eve Shooting

Dec. 25, 2008 – One man was killed and another wounded when a gunman walked up behind them in the vicinity of the former Poor Richards on Commandant Gade, and shot one man in the head and the other in the shoulder.
St. Thomas Police Chief Melvin Venzen said there were no suspects, "no one saw anything, they just heard shots fired."
He said the name of the dead man, who was in his late 20s or early 30s, had not been released.
"We haven’t been in touch with his parents yet," he said. "I feel sorry for them."
The incident occurred between 10 and 11 p.m. Christmas eve. "We don’t have the exact time, yet."
The second man was taken to the Schneider Medical Center. Venzen said his wounds were not life threatening as far as he knew.

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