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HomeNewsArchivesUVI Appoints Associate Provost, Varsity Soccer and Basketball Coaches

UVI Appoints Associate Provost, Varsity Soccer and Basketball Coaches

Dr. James Maddirala The University of the Virgin Islands recently appointed a new associate provost. UVI also, for the first time, appointed new faculty members who will serve as head coaches for the university’s varsity soccer and basketball programs, and who will also have appointments in the School of Education teaching physical education.
Dr. James Maddirala joined the university in October as the associate provost for Graduate, Global and Academic Affairs. Dr. David Santesteban is serving as head coach of the Buccaneers soccer team, and Myron Brown joined UVI as head coach of the basketball team.
“We are pleased to be able to recruit experienced administrators and coaches to the university,” said UVI Provost Dr. Camille McKayle. “Both coaches have had experience at various levels in their respective sports and have a lot to bring to the School of Education. All students will benefit from their presence on our campuses.” She added that “the university is fortunate to have been able to attract an administrator of the caliber of Dr. Maddirala, who has successfully launched international and academic programs at other institutions, and will bring this leadership to the University of the Virgin Islands.”
Maddirala, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon, has served in various capacities at Jackson State University, where he was associate provost for Academic Affairs and Student Life. In that position he was in charge of international programs with initiatives in Africa, South America and Asia. He was also the founding executive director of an accelerated Ph.D. program in higher education. Prior to Jackson State, Maddirala worked at Columbia State Community College in Tennessee and East Texas State University.
In his position at UVI, Maddirala will lead international initiatives, play a pivotal role in helping to launch UVI’s Ph.D. programs, and oversee academic program reviews and other matters pertaining to academic areas.
Dr. David Santesteban Santesteban joined UVI earlier this semester in the role of head soccer coach. He is based on the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix. His debut with the team came on Oct. 4, when the Bucs defeated LAI league opponent Polytecnica University, 2-0, in their first home game on UVI’s new soccer field on St. Croix. Santesteban has a Ph.D. in sports administration from the University of New Mexico and a master’s degree in physical education, from California State University in Fresno. He has many years of experience playing and coaching soccer at various levels.
Myron Brown Myron Brown joined UVI earlier in November, and made his first appearance in the role as head basketball coach at the LAI league exhibition game played Nov. 22 during the Paradise Jam tournament on St. Thomas. Along with his duties as head basketball coach, he will be a physical education instructor on the St. Thomas Campus. He holds a Master’s in Secondary Education, and a B.S. in English. Brown comes to UVI from St. Thomas University in Miami, Fla., and has also coached basketball at the collegiate level at Devry University in Florida, and Rochester (Michigan) College, his alma mater, and Madonna University in Michigan.

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