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HomeNewsLocal governmentLabor Department Resolves All Disaster Assistance Relief, Fiscal and Administrative, for Hurricanes...

Labor Department Resolves All Disaster Assistance Relief, Fiscal and Administrative, for Hurricanes Irma and Maria

Virgin Islands Department of Labor

Commissioner of Labor Gary Molloy has announced that the V.I. Department of Labor (DOL) was successful in resolving all fiscal and administrative compliance findings and concerns pertaining to Hurricane Maria as of March 21 and Hurricane Irma as of July 25. DOL paid out a total of $10,240,210.80 for Hurricane Irma and a total of $8,045,510.78 for benefits and administration for Hurricane Maria.

Ensuring the territory resolved all outstanding areas with the U.S. Department of Labor and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was an incredible accomplishment for the department. Commissioner Molloy extends his sincere thanks to the DOL staff, especially the Unemployment Insurance Division team led by Director Gary Halyard and Assistant Director Veronica Grant in conjunction with the business and administration team led by Director Maurice Wells and Assistant Director/Director of Federal Grants Kenneth Milligan for their diligence and commitment to completing the comprehensive reviews and resolving the audit findings.

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