81.4 F
Cruz Bay
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Health & Safety Fair

Cyril E. King Airport main baggage claim area, St. Thomas

Lemartec, the prime construction manager rebuilding the U.S. Virgin Islands Port Authority (VIPA) assets impacted by hurricanes Irma and Maria, is co-hosting a Health & Safety Fair with VIPA. The event will be held in the main baggage claim area and is open to the public. Families and children are welcome. The community is invited […]

CBCC Community Meeting to Share Ideas

TBD Restaurant Coral Bay, St. John

The Coral Bay Community Council (CBCC) will be hosting another meeting to continue identifying needs and designing new community facilities. All are invited, including government agencies, nonprofits and professionals to share their visions and be involved in the planning process for new community facilities located in Coral Bay. Many great ideas have been shared since […]

Memorial Day Event

Frank Powell Park St. John

On St. John, there will be no march. The official ceremony will take place at the Frank Powell Park.

A Day of Remembrance, Reflection

Emancipation Garden St. Thomas

The Office of Senator Dwayne M. DeGraff invites the public to ‘A Day of Remembrance and Reflection’ as we seek God's protection for the upcoming hurricane season and give thanks for how far we have come. Residents will be provided tips for hurricane preparedness and information on registering for the senior registry.

Sen. Stedmann Hodge Jr. Town Hall

The Model Homes (The Old Cruz Bay Lumber Yard) St. John

The Office of Senator Stedmann Hodge Jr. is presenting a Town Hall. The V.I. Department of Labor and the Inner City Fund will be sharing information on Workforce Development and Grant Funding for internship and apprenticeship programs. Sen. Hodge will provide a progress report, probate and real property value tax information.

CBCC Meeting: Coral Bay Watershed Management Plan

Caribbean Oasis Restaurant Coral Bay, St. John

The Coral Bay Community Council (CBCC) will host a community meeting for residents, homeowners, business owners and all others interested in living and/or working in Coral Bay.  Water quality contamination from stormwater runoff, wastewater and fertilizers and other chemicals can harm waters. The quality of all lives depends on balancing people’s needs with nature’s needs. […]

St. John Festival Royalty Pageant

National Park Ballfield St. John

“65 Years of Mas, Pageantry and a Cultural Scene for St. John Festival 2019 St. John Festival Royalty Pageant. For information, contact Enid Doway at 626-0785. Festival Hotline Numbers: 690-3692 and 508-963-2641 and 626-0785

St. John Festival 2019

the Lumberyard

Royalty Pageant Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door.

Festival Food Fair and Coronation

Franklin A. Powell Sr. Park St. John

Festival Theme: “65 Years of Mas, Pageantry and a Cultural Scene for St. John Festival 2019" Festival Food Fair and Coronation  Festival Theme: “65 Years of Mas, Pageantry and a Cultural Scene for St. John Festival 2019”

Festival Boat Race

Cruz Bay Harbor.

Festival Theme: “65 Years of Mas, Pageantry and a Cultural Scene for St. John Festival 2019” Festival Boat Race Festival Hotline Numbers: 690-3692 and 508-963-2641 and 626-0785