82.9 F
Cruz Bay
Saturday, June 1, 2024

WAPA Board Calls Emergency Meeting

The Governing Board of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority will hold an emergency meeting. It is open to the public, and it will be held via teleconference. To access the meeting dial: 1-571-317-3122; access code: 218258493#

V.I. Board of Elections to Meet

The Virgin Islands Board of Elections has scheduled a meeting. This meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams – tele-conference/video-conference.

VIHA Board to Convene

The Virgin Islands Housing Authority Board of Commissioners has scheduled a regular board meeting via teleconference to help reduce the spread of coronavirus. For meeting access, call-for more information.

WAPA Governing Board to Meet

The Governing Board of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority will hold its regular monthly meeting. It is open to the public and will be held via teleconference. The meeting, which is open to the public, will be via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93227883528?pwd=NUwvVFVaWE5rMjlIZktGZEY4cjZZdz09 One tap mobile +12532158782,,93227883528#,,1#,094965# US (Tacoma) +13017158592,,93227883528#,,1#,094965# US (Germantown) Dial […]

Elections System Live Streams Casting of Lots


Supervisor of Elections Caroline F. Fawkes informs all aspirants for the 2020 Elections that due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Casting of Lots today will be streamed via www.wtjx.org and www.facebook.com/wtjx. Supervisor Fawkes reminds everyone that no one will be disenfranchised during the process and encourages all citizens to adhere to the established protocols from the […]