83.2 F
Cruz Bay
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Senate: Finance

Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall, St. Thomas

Agenda: The committee will receive testimony from the Governor’s Financial Team on the proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Executive Budget for the Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States    

Senate: Rules and Judiciary

Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall St. Thomas

Agenda: The committee has scheduled a meeting to consider the following bills: BLOCK I: 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Bill No. 33-0054 — An Act amending Title 11, Virgin Islands Code, chapter 23, pertaining to Small Business Development (sponsored by Senator Myron D. Jackson, Senator Alicia Barnes; co-sponsored by Senator Stedmann Hodge Jr.) BLOCK II: […]

Public Finance Authority Board to Convene


The Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority (VIPFA) will convene its regular meeting. It will be chaired by Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. In an effort to contain the spread of the global pandemic, this board meeting will be streamed live on facebook.com/GovernmentHouseUSVI.

Senate: Committee of the Whole

Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall St. Thomas

Agenda The 33rd Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following amended proposed legislation: Virgin Islands Cannabis Use-Act – To amend Title 19, Chapter 34 of the Virgin Islands Code to expand the legalization of Medicinal Cannabis

Let’s Clean Up Cruz Bay

Gazebo in Franklin Powell Jr. Park St. John

Let’s get together to pick up trash. The streets and parking lots of Cruz Bay are dirty. Let’s take an hour and help clean up the neighborhood. Everyone will meet at the gazebo.

Board of Elections Schedules Complaint Hearing

Microsoft Teams tele-conference/videoconference

The V.I. Board of Elections has scheduled a hearing regarding the Gordon P. Ackley et al complaint against the submission of the Republican Party’s caucus plan, which will be heard at 9 a.m., Saturday, June 13. It will be held via Microsoft Teams tele-conference/videoconference. Anyone interested in attending, please send the Board of Elections an […]

Legal Services VI Board to Meet

Legal Services of the Virgin Islands Inc St. Croix/St. Thomas

Legal Services of the Virgin Islands Inc. Board of Trustees will hold its board meeting. If a member of the public desires to attend, please contact the Administrative Office.

WTJX Board to Meet


The Board of Directors of the Virgin Islands Public Broadcasting System will meet via Zoom at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84172419062 Meeting ID: 841 7241 9062