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HomeNewsArchivesElmo Plaskett West All-Stars beat East All-Stars

Elmo Plaskett West All-Stars beat East All-Stars

June 17, 2007 — The Elmo Plaskett West Little League 11-12 All-Stars won the right to represent St.Croix against St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands Little League championships by sweeping the East All-Stars in the best two-of-three series, two games to none.
The West took the opening game Friday night by a score of 7-4 and sealed the deal Saturday night with an exciting 11-9 victory at the Renholt Jackson Sport Complex in Estate Whim. The West, who for the last few years has been dominated by the East, showed that they are finally back on par, talent wise, with their eastern counterparts.
Asked how he and the West were able to put such a good team together after being down for the last few years, West manager Adanskee Henry responded, “You know we basically picked the best players from the season and brought in someone who, I think, is one of the top trainers on St. Croix, Wayne Hurley. He sat them down, talked to them, trained them and this is the results of his efforts. Man, we have an awesome team.”
And as for what he thinks of his chances against the St. Thomas champs, “With the pitching we have on this team, we have a very good chance to beat St. Thomas, I really like our chances.”
The series clincher started uneventfully for both teams as they failed to score in the first inning. The West, however, plated four runs in the top of the second and they were never headed for the rest of the game. A shaky inning by the East starting pitcher played a major part in the West scoring four unearned runs. The East responded with two runs in the bottom of the inning on a two-run single off the bat of Ray Parilla to trail 4-2 at the end of two completed innings.
The score would stay that way until the top of the fifth when the West erupted for six runs that proved in the end to be just enough to clinch the championships. RBI doubles by Rasheed Swanston, Shawn Matos and Kairon Henry highlighted the West’s six-run fifth. The East could only answer with one run on an RBI single off the bat of Lakeshawn Graham and they found themselves in a deep hole, trailing 10-3 entering the final inning.
The West picked up an unearned in the top of the sixth to complete their scoring for the game with what looked liked a comfortable 11-3 lead. The East, however, refused to go quietly in their last at bat as they erupted for six runs to briefly put a scare in West and their fans. The East scored six runs on a two run double by Ashante Lawrence and RBI singles by Leroy Simmond, Nayib Gonzalez, Horsford, and Elijah Felix. The West management brought on the hard throwing Wayne Laury who, after giving up a single, put out the fire and closed the deal on the championship.
Swanston got the win for the West while Horsford got the loss for the East. Top hitters for the West were Henry, 2 for 4 with two RBIs, and Matos, 2 for 3 with two RBIs. For the East, Simmonds was 1 for 3 with one RBI, and Lawrence was 2 for 3 with four RBIs.
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