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HomeNewsArchivesBrief: Agriculture Department Gets Federal Grant for Forest Preservation

Brief: Agriculture Department Gets Federal Grant for Forest Preservation

Jan. 8, 2008 — Federal funding of $494,000 awarded to the V.I. Department of Agriculture will go toward buying land in the northwestern corner of St. Croix, the number one priority area designated for forest legacy protection in the USVI.
The money is in addition to $986,000 awarded to the department for FY2005 and FY2006.
President Bush signed a $555 billion appropriations bill Dec. 26 that included funding for the Forest Legacy Program in the territory for fiscal year 2008. The Department of Agriculture submitted a proposal in October 2006 for this funding, and was one of 35 states and territories to receive these awards, according to a government news release.
All the received funds require a 25 percent local match, and the Department of Agriculture expressed thanks for the continuing commitment from The Nature Conservancy in meeting the match requirement. The Forest Legacy Program is administered in the territory by the Department of Agriculture through its Forestry Division.
The Forest Legacy Program is a federally funded program under the U.S. Forest Service. The Department of Agriculture has been working on land acquisition under this program with continuing support from The Nature Conservancy since 2001. The purpose of the program is to identify and protect environmentally important forest areas threatened by conversion to non-forest uses. These areas are to be protected and conserved through land purchase and easements. Included is the protection of important scenic, cultural, fish and wildlife and recreational opportunities.
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