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HomeNewsArchivesV.I. Health Directory.com: The Source for Healthcare in the V.I.

V.I. Health Directory.com: The Source for Healthcare in the V.I.

Jan. 28, 2009 — This new, locally focused Web site is the best resource to quickly locate all healthcare professionals and services in the Virgin Islands. All Virgin Islands Government health related agencies, and all V.I. health and wellness related business are listed free, so everyone is included.
A search in this comprehensive database of over 500 listings in more than 120 categories returns names, services and contact information. Users may search St. Thomas, St. Croix or St. John by island, or all three at once. Plus, the expansive Web site has links to other credible health sites, informative articles on V.I. health issues, and info on local support services.
This is a one-stop online V.I. healthcare resource.
Go to: www.vihealthdirectory.com
Email: info@vihealthdirectory.com
Keystroke Media, Inc.
St. Thomas, V.I.

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