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Comedy Madness

Dear Source:

The Constitutional Comedy Show continues to be one of my favorite pastimes. While the hysterical mantra of the leading performer has remained the same, the scripts of the supporting cast have been livelier these days.
There are even more amusing lines and twists to this humorous fifth performance. A quirky Doc. playing a minor role has actually now steal the show! He has done the unthinkable. The intellect has used reasoning and has composed a manuscript that omits hilarious languages. This serious action has greatly annoyed the starring comic. It defies constitutional comedy logic. To begin with, the Doc. should not have been cast in this comedy act. He has letters after his name and dares to challenge the star of the comedy show. He is too serious to play the character of the screenwriter with the mighty pen.
The satirical drama is soon coming to a close. I'll miss the juvenile antics such as the marching to the hall during role call, throwing chairs at walls (safer than throwing pies at the other actors), buffoons jumping and hollering at each other, and the vanishing act of performers when serious issues arise.
Who would forget the insane idea of convicted killers serving the role as governor? If I did not have a sense of humor, I would believe that a real killer was seriously being considered to play the character of a governor. Of course, this was just comedy madness. Besides, the Constitutional Comedy Show is not a reality show. It is constitutional confusion convention, but the actors still expect to be paid. Comedians are modern physicians. They crack jokes; laughter is the best preventive medicine. That's a good pill to swallow.
"Natives" are not required to be born in the territory or ever visited the USVI. The indigenous inhabitants sailed from Africa and established a nation that was destroyed by the Danes. The Danes decided to sell the land and the people for a cheap price. Now, the ancestrual natives are reclaiming their lands from America. They want reparation and respect. All persons not defined as natives must pay double taxes or leave the country immediately.
Only similarly situated persons such as the Native Americans have special rights. Hence, the natives in the audience chant joyfully that they'll be getting all the freebies promised by their beloved leader. The #1clown. the one they blindly follow, has never failed us. He always delivers great comedy lines. He'll never compromise and will never disappoint us! The drama will resume when the 6th show commences. I look forward to another farce.
Verdel L. Petersen
St. Croix, USVI

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to visource@gmail.com.

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