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HomeNewsLocal governmentBryan Sends Message to Territory on Memorial Day

Bryan Sends Message to Territory on Memorial Day

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Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. issued the following message on Memorial Day:

“On this solemn Memorial Day, we in the Virgin Islands join our fellow Americans across the nation in pausing to remember the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedoms.”

“Their courage and selflessness stand as testaments to the enduring spirit of our nation. They answered the call to serve, leaving behind loved ones and facing unimaginable dangers to protect the values we hold dear.”

“Let us not only honor their sacrifice but also recommit ourselves to the ideals for which they fought. Let us strive for a more peaceful and just world, a world worthy of the sacrifices they made.”

“We hold in our hearts the families who continue to carry the weight of their loss. May the love of their communities and the knowledge that their sacrifice will never be forgotten offer them solace in their grief.”

“As we gather with family and friends on this Memorial Day, let us also remember the brave Virgin Islanders who have served in our nation’s armed forces. Their dedication and commitment are a source of immense pride for our territory.”

“May God bless the fallen, may God bless their families, and may God bless the United States of America.”

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