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Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk

As Super Bowl LVIII approaches, hundreds of fans in the territory are gearing up for the big game. Whether you’re hosting a watch party or heading out to join the excitement at a sports bar, it’s essential to prioritize safety on the roads, the V.I. Office of Highway Safety announced.

Every year, Super Bowl Sunday sees a surge in celebrations, but unfortunately, it also sees an increase in impaired driving crashes. To keep the roads safe and prevent tragedy, it’s crucial to remember: “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk,” according to the press release.

Impaired driving poses a grave threat with devastating consequences, nationally claiming a life every 51 minutes, as reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

As Super Bowl Sunday approaches, it’s crucial to ensure everyone reaches home safely. Here’s the game plan for a safe and enjoyable Super Bowl:

Know the Rules: Driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher is
illegal. If you choose to drink and drive, there won’t be a yellow flag thrown your way.
Instead, you’ll be pulled over, arrested, and prosecuted. Not only does your freedom hang in the balance, but your wallet takes a hit, too; the average DUI costs about $10,000.

Play it Safe: Super Bowl LVIII promises to be an unforgettable event filled with excitement
and camaraderie. But before the game kicks off, make a game plan to ensure everyone gets home safely after the final whistle blows.

Lean on Your MVP: Protect family, friends, and fellow fans. If you notice someone who
has had too much to drink, offer them a safe ride home or help them arrange alternative
transportation. Together, we can prevent impaired driving and keep our communities safe.

Know the Score: Remember, the true victory of Super Bowl LVIII is making it home safely
to our loved ones. Celebrate responsibly and ensure that everyone can enjoy the game
without risking their safety or the safety of others.

Remember, it only takes one decision to save a life. So, this Super Bowl Sunday and every
day, let’s be each other’s MVPs and make sure everyone gets home safely, the release stated. 

For more information on impaired driving, contact the Virgin Islands Office of Highway Safety through the Impaired Driving Coordinator, K’ Tonya Petrus, at k’tonya.petrus@vi.gov or VIOHS Director, Daphne O’Neal at daphne.oneal@vipd.vi.gov.

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