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HomeNewsArchivesFather Charged for Stabbing Son at Tutu Housing Community

Father Charged for Stabbing Son at Tutu Housing Community

Police on St. Thomas arrested a father who allegedly stabbed his 20-year-old son in the side during an argument at the Tutu Hi-Rise housing community, according to the V.I. Police Department.

Devon Dhu, 54, of Estate Bordeaux, was arrested shortly before midnight Saturday and charged with third-degree assault domestic violence.

According to the police report, the victim told police his father used a broken glass vase to stab him in the left side of his abdomen while they were fighting. The victim was also cut on his shoulder and was treated at the Roy Schneider Regional Medical Center.

Because of the domestic violence charge, bail was denied for Dhu, and he was remanded to the Bureau of Corrections pending review by a judge or his advice of rights hearing.

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