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HomeNewsLocal newsBastille Day Celebration Kicks off French Heritage Week With a Bang

Bastille Day Celebration Kicks off French Heritage Week With a Bang

Scenic artwork depicting Frenchtown with the St. Annes Chapel sitting atop the hill in the center of the community. (Photo courtesy The French Heritage Museum)

On Wednesday, July 10, many will gather at the Lindbergh Bay Hotel and Villas at 6 p.m. for an evening of community jubilation, dancing, and food. The Bastille Day Celebration, a highly anticipated annual event has become a cornerstone in the French Heritage Week festivities.

French Heritage Week, identified as the week inclusive of July 14, known as Bastille Day, seeks to honor the contributions and advancements of the French community living in the Virgin Islands over the course of several hundred years. Bastille Day specifically celebrates the storming of the Bastille in France, which triggered the French Revolution and the subsequent rebalancing of political power in the country.
In the Virgin Islands, the French community has been instrumental in shaping Virgin Islands culture, politics, education, law enforcement, healthcare and other major facets of society. The French community has also been an invaluable resource to the fishing and farming industries of the territory. These contributions have led to several buildings and roads being named after prominent people of French descent within the community, including Lorraine Berry, Joseph Aubain, Gustave Quetel, and Emile Berry.
Odile de Lyrot, former French Consul for the Virgin Islands, credits the execution of this event to several organizations, including the Friends of the French Culture, Frenchtown Community Center, the Frenchtown Civic Organization, and the Committee for the Betterment of Carnage.
“I worked alongside former Senator Lorraine Berry who laid the groundwork for French Heritage Week. Senator Berry championed endlessly for the French community and her legacy lives on in these events. When she passed away, we lost some of the momentum that she had created. Two years ago I was approached by members of the community to bring this event back into the annual French Heritage Week event line up. I coordinated with the organizations aforementioned and we worked together to facilitate this event,” de Lyrot said.
“This week is dedicated to us honoring our rich traditions and fostering education. Let us come together to celebrate our heritage, learn from the past, and inspire future generations,” de Lyrot said.
Attendees of the Bastille Day Celebration on July 10 will enjoy the musical stylings of Oleik and his band, a popular band hailing from St. Barths. There will also be an assortment of food and drinks for sale, as well as a free shuttle service provided from Emerald Beach Resort.
If anyone has any questions about this event, de Lyrot can be contacted at odiledelyrot@gmail.com.
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